Saturday, January 5, 2008

Garage Cleaning

Our garage has become, in the words of Jack Holmes, a "National Disgrace!" Karen has about 1 inch of tolerance on either side of her can to not hit junk. You have to pry yourself out of the car with the jaws of life because of so much junk. Today was Part I of the garage cleaning: removing all trash, reorganizing, buying and building additional shelves. Yes, that's right, I said "build." Well, actually, no tools were needed, everything just kind of snaps together, but even that can be like brain surgery to me. Anyhow, all three shelves are built and we're buying two more on Sunday. Part II of cleaning on Sunday is loading up all the shelves with all remaining junk and seeing if you can walk from the car to the garage door without breaking our neck, which has been the case lately!

Be looking for the final result in tomorrow's blog!

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