Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sunday morning

Hi folks,
Not much to say this week, sort of deadsville around is interesting..
I told you all about the girl who got fired because she looked into our "wierdo" typist's medical record? Well, the wierdo typist handed me her resignation as I was counciling her about all the wierdo things she does...anyone know a good transcriptionist, looking for a job in Havre de Grace?

We went to a fund raising event last night for our hospital.. "The Red Pump Society Ball"..semiformal..we didn't know too many people other than the ones at our table and about 10 others..but great live entertainment/dancing/drinks/appetizers...
While we were dancing..the song HOT HOT HOT came on.....I starting thinking about all the fun we had in Nagshead at the pool..dancing around in a Conga line singing.."I'm hot, you're hot, he's NOT!!!!"
We had such fun vacations down makes me wonder...can we ever go back? Would it ever be the same? The kids are all older, they have girlfriends/boyfriends/...
OR Is is just fun memories?
I know it's so hard for everyone to commit to a certain date....wouldn't it be fun to finally have Mike there with a date/mate? Would he still serve us drinks on the beach at 5pm? LOL...and Mar could finally relax a bit more that her kids won't fall in the pool .....
Anyhow, just reminising....

That's it from here....Jun and I are going to Cancun for a week starting this Thursday, Valentine's Day...just the 2 of us..should be fun. Not sure how well my Verizon cell phone will work my friend lent me his extra phone that is international..if you need 443-791-0515
the phone belongs to Ronald Lopez, I won't be able to check messages, so if you miss again, soon! I'll keep that phone with me. Try my cell first...
I'll call someone when I ge there and let you know how my service is..I'll be checking in with Jess and Jon frequently.
See ya..have a good week!

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